Assalamualaikum and greet to all, 

        It has been an eye-opening experience to explore various skills related to Science and Technology over the course of 14 weeks of learning this SSI3013 Information and Communication Technology in Science course. At the start of this course, I tried to figure out the variety of skills that will be taught in this course because it is an integration of ICT and Science, which is often heard but not seen in practice. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education refers to the use of information and communication technology to support, enhance, and optimize information delivery. International research has shown that ICT can improve student learning and teaching methods. This course covers the use of ICT in education. Smart School, Data Logger, Simulation, Graphic Design, Blogging, and Video Editing are all included.

        The first part, titled Smart School, addressed the challenges that education faced both before and after the implementation of COVID-19. The advantages and disadvantages of online learning are numerous. Smart schools include technology tools in their teaching methods as well. This is because students attend online classrooms using technology such as PCs, laptops, and Google Meet and Webex programs. Indirect employment of technology in student learning is feasible. Then follows the data logger assignment. After all, I could reflect on myself through this presentation that the scenario has indirectly benefited us in having ICT abilities. Through this presentation, I was able to think about the indirect benefits of ICT in school, which most of us were unaware of. Furthermore, we are debating the current relevance of Smart Schools. Our class topic resulted in an interactive conversation with the other groups. Active listening, clarity of thinking and expression, and proper language were all cultivated in me during the conversation and group work with other members.

        I learned about data loggers over the course of several weeks. Data loggers are electronic devices that track and log environmental parameters over time, allowing for measurements, documentation, analysis, and validation. The data logger contains both a sensor for gathering data and a computer chip for storing it. The data is then logged and forwarded to a computer for analysis. As the emphasis of this task, my group chose an electricity-related issue. Include the terms "engage," "empower," "enhance," and "extension" in your list. My team chose to use Ohm's Law sensors. Furthermore, this work provides a thorough understanding of sensor applications. The ISEE system application is used in the Stellar simulation in the third assignment. Mr. Azmi demonstrated how to use the ISEE system to produce graphs pertaining to the chosen topic. For me, simulation helps educators communicate subject knowledge without reluctance because students may observe them digitally and experiment by changing the variables. One of the reasons for the necessity for simulation is a lack of advanced equipment in schools, which makes it difficult to achieve learning objectives. The growth of technology allows kids to discover and explore more freely.

        My lecturer taught me how to use Adobe Photoshop to edit photographs in a different way the following week, as I needed to complete the creation of the website to update the progress. Various talents can be learned by using Adobe Photoshop software, which has complete creative freedom, a fast editing process, and a diversity of file types, making it versatile. This software can help students with social media visuals and marketing materials. It enables me to generate and edit photographs for print as well as the web. Now that I know how to use Adobe Photoshop, I am more knowledgeable about photo-editing software. The course's final assignment is video editing. Mr. Azmi suggested that we take notes on the UPSI Sultan Azlan Shah campus' ambiance and amenities. I used the CapCut application to edit my videos. The CapCut application is pretty simple for me to use because it is basic and straightforward to use.

        Overall, the learning experiences I received in this course covered a wide range of cognitive development and behavioral aspects related to science education. Throughout this course, scientific professional methods such as observing, data analysis, constructing, investigating, and critical thinking were successfully utilized. Overall, learning this ICT in Science course has taught the development of some skills, such as explanation through presentations, communication skills, decision-making, and many other essential skills. I am grateful to my dearest instructor, Encik Azmi bin Ibrahim, for teaching and guiding me to gain better knowledge and for allowing me to explore the vast field of Information and Communication Technology through hands-on projects and presentations.

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